Dear Colleagues!
It is our pleasure to invite you to the 8th Russian Patient Congress, which will take place from 29 November – 1 December 2017 in Moscow.
This unique event is the place for an open direct dialogue between state authorities and voluntary organisations, which speak today for the interests of large social layers in our country being patients,
their families, medical profession, authorities, politicians, etc.
The Congress aims to develop and advance the mechanisms of interaction between state bodies and voluntary organisations to improve the quality of life of Russian citizens.
The Congress is expected to raise topical issues of public health management:
- issues in health development of today;
- organisation of the system of public control in the healthcare and supervision over that the laws in effect and decisions in healthcare are abided by;
- ways to improve the availability and quality of medical care in the Russian Federation;
- current issues in the pharmaceutical provision in the country;
- issues of the quality and accessibility of rehabilitation and medical devices;
- ways to improve the medical and social examination of a patient;
- development of IT-services in the healthcare;
- healthy nutrition;
- interaction between the medical and patient communities – Facts and perspectives.
The first day will include the plenary session and the press briefing for Russian Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova.
Within the framework of the Congress, it is planned to hold a round table on issues of providing citizens of the Russian Federation with medicines, while having new rules, together with authorities, who represent the Russian Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Economic Development, Public Chamber, Federal Antimonopoly Service, Federal Service for Surveillance in Health Care, and other involved state structures.
About 700 people will take part in the Congress, who represent authorities, the patient community as presented by the All-Russian Patient Union, the medical community, and the pharmaceutical industry.
Workshops and trainings will be held on organising the work of patient groups, interaction between NGOs and authorities, enhancing the efficiency of NGOs to improve the quality of medical services for people, and other activities are expected.
If you have any questions about attending and participating in the 8th Russian Patient Congress, please, contact the Organising Committee.
Kind regards,
Organising Committee
8th Russian Patient Congress
Email to: congress@patients.ru
+7 (495) 921-80-73 Marina Banartseva
+7 (495) 122-89-00 Victoria Shukhat +7 (916) 389-43-67 Nina Rusanovich